Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My new head shot.

This is a CGI-free environment.

Who needs a shrink?

This is the plainly lovely and amazing Dagger Chest illusion from the late 1930s instigated by Australian Percy Abbott after he set up his huge magic workshops in Colon, Michigan USA. 

The illusion invented by the prolific U.F. Grant.

I got all inspired and created by own idea for head loss. And then I wrote an advertisement with tongue firmly in chic.

Even more wonderful it went beautifully when I tried it out on my TV show. 

Now let's go behind the scenes. I know we all love doing that. 

Soon after the idea hit me I made a quick photograph in the back garden. Aren't you lucky I saved you from views of the clothes line? 

My orange grove is always better for these things. This was taken on an analogue camera with actual 35 mm film — please don't eek and go into shock. And, I know Americans, we of the correct English tongue refuse to spell it analog. Oh, I just did. Deep shame on me.

Ian Buckland has the first $1 Face Lift. Anyone who says I was overcharged
will have their funny bones removed. With a sharp tongue.

You'll love my new brand, Invisible Smiles Inc.

Slogan: It's no good saying cheese.

Monday, August 12, 2013

My new & exciting product. Get ready to vibrate.

No bunnies were harmed in the production of this photograph. 
Though the crown was constantly in peril.