Saturday, June 29, 2013

Phillip looking at you.

Phillip Cooley pictured by IB Detroit 2002.

Phillip is doing very well, thank you very much. And so he should.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Get a good seat.

Seats in the front row at family prices.

It's more an innate-mare.

Gesticulation can be fun.

Wrist not in peace.

Seer, mystic and magician Erik Jan Hanussen advertising material by wunderkind artist Theo Matejko from 1927. 

First poster to sell the intent not the personality. Matejko's illustration was inspired by the hand of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling Adam. 

The very strange Erik Jan Hanussen predicted his friend, the politician Adolph Hitler would rise when no-one else thought so. 

No matter, the Nazis shot Hanussen six weeks after that rise in 1933. He was very well connected and close to all the inside information as clairvoyants often are. Too well connected it might seem. And being half Jewish was a dangerous thing in the midst of Nazi lunacy. Let's leave to one side that he was also half-mad.

There is good reason and evidence for me to believe that Erik taught Hitler about body language and the power of the salute. A curious individual. It would be very hard to like someone who started a newspaper and then blackmailed people so that he would not print scandalous stories about them.

Here, a chilling thought. The hand could be seen as the frightening Nazi salute on the way up. 

After you've perished that thought, what a pretty hand it is? It predates Disney's famed animated fairy dust and was created at the exact time when Walt was making it big. Don't things seem to link together as you surf history? Hold that thought.

